Products & Services

Medicare Coverage:

  • Medicare Supplement
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Medicare Prescription Coverage

Visit Understanding My Medicare

Medical Insurance:

  • Family Coverage
  • Individual Coverage
  • Group Coverage

Safe Investments: We have worked with investors for over 20 years and have never lost any of our client’s money. The investments that we offer provide a guarantee of your principle and at the same time giving them a consistent competitive return on their investment.

Visit The Safe Money Investor

Retirement Income Planning: We have investment products that can provide a guaranteed income for the rest of your life.

Social Security Income Planning: We can do an in-depth analysis as to when to start social security as a couple or an individual, so that you can maximize the amount of income that you receive from Social Security.

Life Insurance: We offer Term, Whole Life and Universal Life Insurance coverage. This coverage can be used for:

  • Final Expense
  • Family Protection
  • Mortgage Protection
  • Wealth Transfer

Long Term Care Coverage: This can be used to protect against the cost of assisted living, a nursing home, home health care, foster care or some other type of alternative care facility.